Friday, 30 December 2016

Zombieland (2009)

I was browsing the home entertainment channels for some possibly good content or new/unwatched movies. I came across Zombieland on Pix. I remembered that I had watched that movie about 2 years ago on the same channel. Though the movie felt a bit bland and dis connective when I first watched it, I gave it another chance (mostly because I was bored and didn't want to get back to work). On watching the movie a second time, I found it to fun and entertaining no matter how lame the intended jokes sounded.

The movie is based on a modern zombie-infested world where four non-infected individuals try their best to survive given the apocalyptic conditions. A student, Columbus (note that the characters are given names from the places they lived in and they are not their real names) wants to travel to meet his parents and Tallahassee a redneck like person is in search for his last Twinkie. A girl and her sister also struggle to survive in the zombie infested area. The plot is very similar to other zombie movies, the only difference is that there have been desperate attempts to integrate humor in every part of the movie. I can not help but call this movie an attempt to recreate the plot and atmosphere of Shaun of the Dead, a movie that was largely appraised in terms of it's combination of horror and comedy, which redefined the horcom genre.

Though Zombieland is entertaining for a first time watch, I don't think it's enticing enough to watched another time. The horror nor comedy is that excellent to be noted and the movie suffers from a poorly drawn plot and quotidian story line. I'd probably give it a 5/10.

Bye till my next review.

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