Thursday, 1 December 2016

The Cabin In The Woods (2011)

Hello readers,

You may have noticed I was inactive for quite a bit of time there. Just had a lot going on so I couldn't watch any new, old or eccentric movies. Anyways, I am back to recommend some of the wildest movies ever made. The crazy-ass movie I will be discussing today is The Cabin In The Woods. My reaction after watching the movie was: "Dude, what a movie! Don't know what to say...cause it was one of the weirdest movies I have ever watched in my life." Cinema is never out of eerie movies, but I gotta say, this was one of the most craziest awesome movies I have come across in a long time. I had heard about this movie a ton of times, but as the title did not sound promising, I refrained from watching it. I mean, from the title, the movie sounded like it would be all about friends trapped in a little cabin surrounded by flesh eating zombies, I mean a repetition of The Evil Dead. This movie totally proved that one can not judge a movie by the title of it.

Anyways, being a horror movie, it did not provide many scares. As for the shocks, it gave intermittent ones of 100W each. After watching the movie, I went through the reviews of IMDb user reviews. I found that ratings were bitter extremes. Some of the people gave it a mere 1 or 2/10 and the rest gave a 10/10. So saying, people either loathed the movie or acclaimed it. As for me I enjoyed the merciless, blood sucking movie a ton. I mean, being a horror movie fan, you can only pray that movies with new concepts are being developed, and this one presented a view of horror that was never seen before. The Cabin In The Woods appears to be a parody of horror movies though. I feel that it mocks the common horror movie monsters. The movie reminded me a lot of The Evil Dead, Goosebumps and The Hunger Games. The twists and turns at the end of the movie are too much to ask for. I praise the director for developing and carrying out such a crazy plot seemingly effortless. The cinematic and movie effects are also awesome.

I am not going to give a summary of this movie because I am afraid it will end out being ten pages long. To sum it up, you are either going to love the movie or hate it. So I wont bother giving a rating because it depends on one's perception and interests. The keen eyed movie goers will probably love this movie as I did, but no burden, not everyone can watch these types of movies. The movie does contain objectionable content such as gore scenes. There are a few scenes where I could not stop laughing like the speakerphone scene. This is a perfect mood to add a bit of excitement and weirdness to an otherwise dull day. That, and hats off to Drew Goddard for presenting horror fans with a masterpiece.

Night, Night

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