Monday, 18 July 2016

The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism(2010)

Hey movie enthusiasts,

I'm back with a new movie discussion. I watched The Last Exorcism yesterday night and felt like discussing how I felt about it. I'm not a fan of footage horror movies (of course excluding the Paranormal franchise), but this movie was an exception. It gave a plenty of scares throughout the middle and especially in the ending. When I first turned on the movie, I was left bored and unenthusiastic because the starting 15 to 20 minutes is pretty boring and pointless. But, as the movie succeeded, more twists, suspense and scares where added (an integral part of horror movies).

The thing that I liked about the movie was that despite being a movie based on the exorcism practice, it largely differs from fellow horror movies depicting exorcisms. I liked the uniqueness of the behavior portrayed by the possessed girl. Chills certainly went down my spine at some point of time during the movie. Moreover, the ending of the movie was really deviates from other horror movies. After a few minutes of contemplation I got the ending of the movie.

In short, I recommend this movie to horror, thriller and suspense fans. I also recommend this movie to people who have gotten bored of watching movies involving exorcisms within them. This movie will certainly give those people a change of opinion regarding the practice of exorcism.

That is it for today, we'll meet at my next discussion.

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